Friday, June 22, 2007

It Isn't Heavy - Right!

My son and I were discussing his ministry as Staff Director at a Christian camp and Conference Center this summer. It was interesting to hear him share that he was coming to the realization that with so many things, so many events, so many projects, so many expectations that the buck stopped with Him. It was his responsibility to schedule, to assign jobs, to delegate projects, to ensure that the job get completed, that it’s done appropriately, he also has to worry about staff morale, encouragement and evaluation.

It was interesting listening to him because this summer he was discovering something that every leader wrestles with—the unseen, but often very oppressive weight of leadership.

There is no escaping the weight. It is there on vacation, on your days off, at the beginning of the week and it’s still there at the end of the week. It is always there.

So how does a leader deal with it? How does he cope with the weight?

I eventually came to this conclusion and it was freeing. I remind myself that I stink at being God. But God is actually quite good at it. He is able to care for all those things better than I could hope too.

So I work hard, I study, I plan, I program, I train, I equip, I lead, but through it all I keep reminding myself that it’s His weight and He’s good at dealing with it.

To all those who know the weight, to all those who have been oppressed by its burden, to all those longed for relief, remind yourself.

The weight belongs to Him.

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