Tuesday, December 25, 2007

True Christmas

I’ve been driving around amid all the houses decorated for Christmas. Some reveal incredible amounts of work and expense. Tiny lights hang in trees, line eaves and adorn fence rows and garage doors. Lawns are decked with miniature scenes: The Wisemen journey, elves work, reindeer frolic. Many of the scenes required not just an afternoon of work, some called for much more time to achieve their winter wonderland.

But I wonder how many of those pretty houses hide homes in shambles. How many families are celebrating their last Christmas before the “separation”, the “divorce”. I wonder how many sequester the wounded spirit that will end it all come January. Which ones are the ones filled with anger and abuse? Which are the homes with estranged loved ones? Sons and daughters adrift? For how many is peace on earth just a sign on the lawn, a decoration on the wall?

True Christmas celebrating will not be judged just by the outward decorations, by the externals. If He is to be experienced this year, He will be experienced internally at the core of our being.

Leaders who follow the Forgiver know this Christmas isn’t about the externals. It’s always about the internals.

As you celebrate, lead, teach, administrate may the inside stuff of Christmas radiate through you!

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