Thursday, December 27, 2007

Lessons at my Father's feet

Some leaders often write with warm affection of the lessons learned as a child or a teenager at their father’s feet. Dad taught me to fish. Dad taught me how to face adversity. Dad taught what it means to be a man.

I heard the stories in sermons, in books I’ve read, Stu Webber, John Eldridge, James Dobson, and Ed Young. It is true many leaders learn lessons sitting at their Father’s feet.

I was different.

Without tearing him down let’s first say my dad and I were never really close. The dysfunctions of our family dominated my childhood and teen years. Our enmity continued often in visits home as an adult.

But a number of years ago the Forgiver did two great things in my relationship with my dad. He reminded me that I had grace, I knew truth, I walked in light, and to whom much is given, much would be required. God placed the burden for peace in our relationship upon me.

The second thing God did is he increased ten-fold my love for my father. Now our relationship is different. Since those changes I have seen him change. I have watched faith be born in him. I have seen him at peace.

A week ago I moved my dad in with us. It’s for at least a month, maybe more. He and my mom have been using walkers for years. After a recent fall, mom is in rehabilitative care. Dad needs help. Living alone is no longer possible so he’s with us. It has been good.

Here’s the first lesson from my father’s feet:
No relationship is so estranged that the Forgiver cannot mend; when those who claim His name humbly allow Him to work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This one was especially good, I think. And relationships can grow and improve in the other direction, too -- father to son/daughter -- getting better by God's grace in our lives. Thanks for your writing and ministry.