Wednesday, September 5, 2007


All spiritual disciplines must breathe in the relationship with the Forgiver. Otherwise all they become are workouts in the gym of religious exercises.

Fasting is about mourning Him.
Prayer is about communing with Him.
Worship is about celebrating Him.
Baptism is about uniting with Him.
Study is about knowing Him.
Communion is about remembering Him.
Service is about honoring Him.

Too often we have trumpeted the discipline a part from Him. No wonder for so many engaging in spiritual disciplines is an empty undesirable chore.

Talking with my wife is never a chore. Dating her is never a task. Honoring her with acts of honor or service are not disciplines. They are simply a part of the romance of being married to her.

Perhaps we should see spiritual disciplines as the avenues of the Dance of Romance with the Savior.

“But I have been loved by people who know Jesus. And I don’t know that there is any greater love than the love from those who have been touched by the Messiah.”1

1 Donald Miller, Searching for God Knows What (Thomas Nelson, October 13, 2004), p. 212.

1 comment:

Blessed Mommy of four said...

I have never understood fasting completely and I am not sure why I have not. I thought I understood.
I think that I will began to persue this and find out how to apply it to my life.