Thursday, September 16, 2010

North by North Whatever

I'm standing at a conference in the middle of a worship service and pull my keys out of my pocket. I'm not sure why. I'm surrounded by fellow leaders, pastors and ministers; each of us dealing with different issues, circumstances and journey to travel in our role as leaders. I don't why but I'm staring at my keys. As I do my focus is drawn to one object and I have one of those "man in the window" moments when His Spirit speaks to mine. I am moved, challenged and encouraged all at the same time.

On my key chain hangs a clip-on compass. Can't remember when I got. Can't remember when I clipped it on. But there it was and as I stared at the dial it swung the arrow point to North. In the building in which I stood, I had no idea where north was. But the compass always points to north. Yes, Lord. I hear you .

Just as the compass found north, so does the undergirding principle of a leaders life always bring him back on point. The call that defines our purpose, swings the dial and points the way.

Like every leader, my life sometimes gets really hectic and very full. I can be distracted by work, by leisure, by challenges, by ease. So many things can distract me from the call, the purpose, the direction the Forgiver has set for me. Yet one thing always puts me back on track and reorients me. It keeps me focused on the goal. It's my true north.

Who am I? Bought and paid for by the sacrifice of the Forgiver, I am a man called to know Him and make Him known.

Leaders who follow the Forgiver know their true north. The calling that always points the way. It is the direction our lives will take no matter the circumstances, challenges or constraints.

It is our compass point, the orientating direction of our lives.

Leaders know that remembering it helps us to make course corrections, stay on track, and to keep moving forward.

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