Monday, October 26, 2009

What Does it Mean to be a Man of God?

Does it mean that I claim His name? Does it mean that my allegiance belongs to Him; that I bear the title Christ- follower, believer, Christian? What does it mean to be a man of God?

Does it mean that I rule my life in ways that avoid the moral pit falls and snares of this world? Does it mean that holiness is a battle I strive to win? Does it mean that I work at the development of "God" character, the fruit of the Spirit, in my life? What does it mean?

Does it mean that I force-feed my spirit the Word of God? Does it mean that I strive to make prayer happen interwoven into my busy schedule? What does it mean?

Does it mean that I labor intensely for the sake of the Kingdom? Relentlessly working, reaching out to the hurting, counseling the struggling, leading the willing, seeking the lost? What does it mean?

It may mean all of these things. In fact my life may often be defined by these things, but does it mean I'm a man of God?


Or maybe a man of God is one who walks in grace so real, fellowship so close, communion so deep, spirit so broken, awe so inspiring, worship so lifted, that who we are becoming is like who God is.

Then the title becomes character.
Holiness a trait, not a goal.
The Word indwelt, not just studied.
Prayer a life stream, not a scheduled appointment.
Kingdom advancement an undeniable consequence, not just the focus of my striving.

What does it mean to be a man of God?

Lord, help me to be such a man.

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