Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Heart of a Humble Leader?

Okay let's admit it. We all know that a leader is supposed to be humble, but what is humility. Is it incompatible with strength? Does it offset aspiration? Can you be masculine and humble at the same time? What does humble confidence look like? Is it possible to be humbly self-assured?

Okay I know what every good Bible student would say. Jesus was humble, Jesus was strong, Jesus was masculine. Many of us would likely end up in Philippians 2, the kenosis. We have preached, taught, read that He emptied himself. He became nothing. We have been told that he was humble; we know that he is our example, but what does it look like.

For too many leaders we know humility is a part of the mix, a measure of the calling, an ingredient in the recipe of leadership development, but ask a leader what it looks like and we struggle to answer. I confess sometimes I don't know how to describe it, but I now think I know it when I see it.

David has become my example of humility. It is from him that I am learning the lesson. In 1 Chronicles 17, we get a glimpse of humility in David. He is now established as King in Jerusalem, and we are allowed into one of his private moments with God.

16 Then King David went in and sat before the Lord and prayed,
"Who am I, O Lord God, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far? 17 And now, O God, in addition to everything else, you speak of giving your servant a lasting dynasty! You speak as though I were someone very great, O Lord God!
18 "What more can I say to you about the way you have honored me? You know what your servant is really like.
1 Chron 17:16-18, NLT

David reminds me that humility is found close to the heart of God, in communion with our Creator, our Lord. Humility is the honest self-assessment of our lives and our accomplishments in His presence. Who am I Lord that you have entrusted this calling, this assignment, this task to me? Who am I Lord that I am privileged to be treated as though I were something when you know what I am really like.
What is humility? In the light of his presence, knowing who we are and what we would be without him.

Let the man or woman of God be humble. Humble yourselves before the Lord, . . . James 4:10

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