Friday, May 15, 2009

Different Window Same Man

My wife and I are in the midst of a week long personal retreat. More than a vacation, it's a time to rest and renew the two most important relationships in our lives. We're focusing on our individual spiritual journeys with the Forgiver and the journey of intimacy we share together.

On Wednesday afternoon we sat in a coffee house in Delafield, Wisconsin and I was editing a previous Man in the Window entry for distribution. As she finished proofing the draft for me she got up from the table, patted me on the shoulder and said, "Different coffee house, still the Man in the Window."

What a profound truth. Cheryl touched on one of the goals of my own spiritual journey. For a number of years now I have been cultivating my personal walk with God with the regular faithful exercise of spiritual disciplines believing that those disciplines would define my character as a follower of Jesus. Long ago I became fed up with being a different man in public and a different man at home. I grew tired of the façade, the mask of spirituality that was too easy to put on enroute to the church service, a study or the office. Like so many people, I wore different masks and my spirituality was just another mask I put on.

When I finally became dissatisfied with the masks, I sought to become a man defined by the habit of seeking the Forgiver's face in prolonged quiet times, in devotion, and study. And today it dawned on me just how true it was becoming. I am the Man in the Window, the man who now seeks God's presence as a priority, a man who feels lost when he allows the disciplines to become lax. No matter where I am, I am that man.

Here is a great question for every leader. Are the disciplines you practice shaping who you are becoming? The disciplines don't change us, but they keep putting us in a place where his grace can change us. Are your disciplines leading you toward who you're destined to be?

Different window, same man.

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