Thursday, May 8, 2008

Distractions! Argh!

They may be the bane of my existence. I can be distracted by so many things. I go outside to mow the grass and I’m distracted by the stoop that needs painting. The screen door needs washing. Before I know it, I’m rushing and striving to accomplish everything. Mow, weed, fertilize, clean the garage, trim, fix the edger, repaint the concrete, replace the bricks, till the garden, make the fire-pit, trim the shrubs, and power-wash the siding.

Why did I ever decide to go outside to mow?

Right now all of those chores are on my maintenance list. Actually there is probably a lot more.

What’s the use? Every time I walk outside numerous items beckon for my attention. So what do I do? I tackle the mission critical things first. Grass has got to be mowed. The other things need attention, but the grass has got to be mowed! Then a little evaluation helps me make the next choices.

I’ve got another hour free, what can I accomplish in that hour that will have the biggest bang for the effort?

 Fix the edger and edge
 Paint the trim
 Build a fire pit

The edger won the day. But if we were having a BBQ it might have been the fire-pit. If we were having an open house, it would have been the trim.

Leaders understand this principle. What do they give their time to in a world where so many distractions call for their attention?

Mission Critical takes priority
– The A list is a smart evaluation of time, resources and circumstances that determine…
– The B list which is the “getting done” list, that leads to…
– The C list which is “when the time is right” list.

Good leaders succeed because they are good at their ABC’s.

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