Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Playing Out of Tune

When I first started playing the guitar I was not very good, and that is a gracious understatement. It might be better to say I reeked at the guitar.

I couldn’t play in the key of G because I failed miserably at fingering a D chord. I couldn’t play in C because I couldn’t understand how anyone could play an F chord.

So when I played songs in G and C I always skipped over the chords I couldn’t play. I just kind of muffled the strings and went on. I was terrible, but I called myself a guitar player. I owned not just one, but two guitars!

Eventually I had to face the hard truth that becoming a guitar player would need to involve learning to play a D chord and an F chord. Not to mention the fact that I needed to learn how to strum in rhythm, to preciously tune the strings, to learn “bar” chords, and 7th’s and augments and diminished chords. If I was going to be a guitar player I would have to acquire the skills of a guitar player. I couldn’t just own a guitar or two and claim the title.

How are you when it comes to being a leader? Do you own some leadership books? Do you have some leadership skills? I hope so.
But are you a leader? Do you just claim the title, or are you the real thing?

Leaders lead. Guitar players play guitar.

Do you need to learn some additional skills? Do you need to get beyond the basics? It is time to learn how to play a D chord.

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