Tuesday, March 15, 2011

IN Search of . . . Easter Eggs?

Been thinking about them today.  Yes it's Lent.  Yes we're moving toward Easter.  But that's not why I was thinking of Easter eggs.  Actually I'm thinking of Easter eggs because of I've been thinking of Easter egg hunts.   
We had one every year at our home when  our kids were young.  Searching, looking, finding.  It was so much fun.  We often did it over and over on Easter weekend.  Each of us would take turns hiding the eggs while the rest of the family waited for the hunt to begin.  Then we'd walk through the house looking for every egg.  Some were easy to find, some took great patience.  We knew the eggs were there just waiting to be found.  We knew if we didn't give up, we'd eventually find them all.  Every new egg discovered was cause for celebration.
Easter egg hunts.  I never looked at them as being a challenge or frustrating.  I never dreaded the search.  I never procrastinated.  I entered in and had a blast.
It got me thinking about leadership.
What would happen if we viewed the search for other leaders, workers, volunteers, like Easter egg hunts?  What would happen if every time we needed another youth sponsor, another house church leader, another children's worker, another elder, a board member, a volunteer, we viewed it like an Easter egg hunt?  They're already there, hidden somewhere in our midst.  Some are easy to find, while others are more challenging.  But if we're patient and diligent, we'll find them.
What if when we needed another youth sponsor, our heart was filled with the joy, the excitement of the search?  What would happen if when we needed another children's worker, volunteer, or teacher we believed that they were in our church just waiting to be discovered?   What would happen if every time we discovered that new worker, leader, teacher, sponsor, or volunteer we celebrated the discovery of a treasure?
I think I know.  "In search of" becomes a joy. 
the man in the window

Bruce D. Rzengota
Norwalk Alliance Church

Prayer is not preparation for the battle, it is the battle.

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