Friday, January 22, 2010

Living Life Unwrapped

How do you say you want to live your life? Which of these statements resonates with
your heart?

--I want to live a life that matters.

--I want to make a difference.

--I want to count for the kingdom.

--I want to know Him and make Him known.

Or maybe you are more modern in your jargon.

--I want to live an authentic transformed life with Jesus.

--I want to live in community with others and God.

--I want to live a Missional lifestyle.

--I want to journey the different path.

Most of us who claim the name of Jesus, most of us who are in a relationship with Jesus can likely sum up how we desire to live our lives in a statement like one of those. They inspire us. They challenge us.

I read a great quote today about how we live our lives. Leaping off the pages of the book I was reading was this quote:

"How we live our days is ... how we live our lives." -- Annie Dillard

How I lived yesterday, how I live today and how I will live tomorrow determines how I live my life. A simple thought. A profound reality. The life I live unwraps before me each day. The daily decisions of what to do, the day after day expressions of what I value paint the picture of my life.

How do I live my life in the day by day reality so that it matters? Jesus summed it up in two commandments. He made it all about the vertical and horizontal.

Love God with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul, all your strength and
from where those disciplines take you, love everybody else.

Game on! Goal set. Target in sight. Unwrap the life that matters.

Love God with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul, all your strength and
from where those disciplines take you, love everybody else.

Today, as a leader, as follower, how are you intentionally unwrapping a life that matters?

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