During a recent trip to the African continent, I had the great privilege of working alongside two international workers and their families in a medical clinic outreach to an unreached people group. The last room in our village clinic was set aside for prayer and scripture distribution. My partner introduced me as his ‘imam’ from ‘Amerik’ who had come all the way to give blessings on them in “issa’s’ name (Jesus). Of the 175 clinic patients, 169 agreed to receive the blessing.
Time and time again I found myself in the unique situation of praying for people by name, asking God to bless their lives, their homes, their families, but most importantly I prayed that the Holy Spirit would bring them dreams and visions of who Jesus was. On the second day two realities would strike a strong cord in my heart. Time and time again I found myself weeping as these two thoughts keep surfacing in my mind.
As I prayed I realized that many of the people were being mentioned by name before the Father’s throne in heaven for the first time. For some it may have been the one and only time that they would ever be interceded for by name. I also realized how much I took for granted that my name is so frequently mentioned before the Father’s throne. My family prays for me, my church, my friends, some of you likely even prayed for me. My name has been mentioned often in the Father’s presence. Yet here were Mamadu, Bah, Ibrahim, Hadiaitu, Alseny, Alpha Omar, Bubacar. Some would be prayed for only on this day.
This leader was challenged to change two things in his prayer life. First, I will forever mention more people by name before the father’s throne. Second, to never again take so lightly the fact that others pray for me.
Therefore, to all who have mentioned my name before his throne, thank you. Will you join me in praying for Mamadu and Mounsieur Bah. Pray for them right now that they might be followers of Issa’s way.
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