Monday, February 9, 2009

Daily Update

My computers all run the same antivirus software. It runs in the background protecting my work from all sorts of malware and problems. I tend to take it for granted.

Every morning when I start my computer the software begins its work scanning files I open, checking emails and keeping a wall of protection up as I sign on the web.

But every morning my software does another thing automatically; my antivirus software connects with the internet and updates itself. It never misses a day. Yesterdays updates may not be enough for today’s threats so day after day it updates.

Leaders are like that. They know the need to update daily with the great leader Jesus. They seek to connect with him uploading new definitions, new solutions, new management principles, new understanding. Leaders know the value of the daily update with God. Don’t take if for granted, be sure to connect for a daily update.

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