Norwalk Alliance Church
Prayer is not preparation for the battle, it is the battle.
Musings on Life and Leadership
Every leader asks questions. The nature of the questions shapes the leader. What are the questions contemplated in your heart? At this point in my life, in my calling, in my role, I've been struggling with a few. The same ones keep surfacing time and time again. The first one opens the door to so many more.
What does it mean?
What does it mean to want God's glory and not your own?
What does it mean to be all things to all men and yet work only to please the Lord?
What does it mean to be LIGHT when most of the time I avoid the darkness?
What does it mean?
What does it mean if I drive by a funeral and don't wonder about the person's fate?
What does it mean when I count my days and know there are more behind me than are likely to be ahead of me?
What does it mean when I remember that one day I will stand in his presence and give an account?
What does it mean?
What does it mean that I have claimed his name, read his word, shared his truth for thirty-two years and yet still battle with sin, toy with apathy, and get distracted so easily.
What does it mean?
What does it mean that I have been cleaned by grace, set free from sin, empowered with gifts, called to purpose?
What does it mean that I live where I do, surrounded by specific faces—specific lives, specific needs. What does it mean?
What does it mean that I am supposed to lead? What does it mean?
What questions are shaping you? As for me, I am haunted by the ones that begin, "What does it mean?"
The Man in the Window